17 mai 2011

Homemade paper

            Materials needed:
-hot tap water
-wood spoon
-plastic tray
-three tablespoons of cornstarch
-grass and flowers
-colored paper
-plastic cup
-large sieve 

            Working mode
      Tear paper and put it in blender. Add hot tap water over it. After we press start we wait almost 20 seconds and then stop. We add the colored paper, grass, flower, cinnamon and press again start. Put the mixture in the plastic cup and add three tablespoons of cornstarch. Mix with the wood spoon in it. Put the mixture into a large sieve and press on it until all the water flow. We leave it there for five minutes. Take it from the sieve and stretch by hand in a tray. Put in in the microwave and let it there for intervals of twenty seconds . After you feel it is dry, turn it onto the other side. Iron it and you will have a lovely homemade paper. You can show off with it. 

downloaded from images google.com
downloaded from images google.com

    You have now a gorgeous paper. Be proud of yourself because you made it by your own.

 dowloaded from images google.com

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